Client interference

There was a great article in Creative Review recently concerning a trend on Twitter called “clienttweaks”. It began with Tweets between copywriters Nick Asbury and Mike Reed talking about how client intervention can ruin a potentially great idea, and ended with dozen’s of examples of rewritten ad lines. But as funny as these examples are it’s an all too depressing reminder of how frustrating bad client interference can be – “While good clients will trust wholly in your professional judgement as a creative, and be willing to push the proverbial boat out with new ideas, bad ones have a tendency to stick their oars in.” So true.
Nick Asbury’s rewritten taglines;
Bread with nothing taken out.
Say goodbye to that Verruca.
Sch… you know who. That’s right, Schweppes!
Marmite: You’ll love it.
Stella Artois: Reassuringly good value.
Beans mean Heinz.
Don’t just book your holiday. Thomas Cook it.
Good vibrant Yellow Pages.
If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit, buy a Club (Risk of people thinking we’re membership-based. Push the product.)
And Reed’s;
Nothing draws air inward to remove dirt like an Electrolux
Apple. Think differently. (Pretty sure this is more grammatically correct guys.)
Probably the best Copenhagen-brewed lager beer of its strength in the world.
You Know When You’ve Been Tango’d* (*Humorous illustration only. Britvic plc in no way encourages violence using drinks cans.)
You Know When You’ve Had A Tango Because It Tastes Brilliant. (Much better. Legal happy with this version. Please action.)
The Ultimate Driving Machine In Its Sector
9 out of 10 cat owners who believed their cats displayed a clear preference said their cats Preferred or Usually Preferred It.
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