Childhood Christmas presents

I was wrapping my five year old nephew’s Christmas present at the weekend and I began to remember certain presents I received when I was his age. I can still remember that feeling as I unwrapped each one to find a new Star Wars toy or the latest handheld electronic game. These were the presents that fuelled my imagination long after Christmas was over. So in honour of my young nieces and nephews I’ve compiled an illustrated list of some of my memorable childhood Christmas presents, presents that represented a significant time in my life.
Eventually my nephew will start to receive presents that are a little more “practical”, such as clothing and vouchers. As he gets older still, perhaps he too will begin to reminisce about the toys and games he used to play with. And maybe, just maybe, the present I have for him this Christmas will make it onto his list.
Awesomeness. Fantastic illustrations too mate
Cheers bud!
Brought back many happy memories.