Brave Art

Brave Art. What a superb name for a group of artists. They’re based in Whistler, Canada, and use canvas, sculpture, skate decks, photography, film and graffiti as mediums. I quote; “since it’s inception in 2005, Brave Art has been bringing raw urban and street inspired art to the mountain. If the medium is the message, then the message here is that nothing is off limits, everything is canvas, and the people will not go quietly.” Come on! You’ve got to be excited by that! It makes me nostalgic for the days of “Brit Art” when Damien Hirst pickled cattle, and Marc Quinn made sculptures from his own blood. To me it’s what art is all about – pushing boundaries, making people think. Next month there’s a Brave Art exhibition in London. They’re not related to the Canadian gang (they’re Scottish as it happens), but they have the same idea – anything goes. Maybe one day we’ll get these exhibitions in Bristol. Maybe one day the Arnolfini will stop putting a load of junk in a room and show some decent art instead. And then maybe, just maybe, they’ll let me back in to see it.
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