Alone in Alaska

It is hard to imagine a life without the humble camera. From a tasty meal to a beautiful view, all we have to do these days is hold up our smart phones and the moment is captured. But in doing so are we not missing the moment itself? In our haste to record these special moments are we perhaps forgetting to experience them? So it was with deliberate intent then, that I headed off to Alaska without the trappings of modern technology. The unusually mild Canadian Winter meant that I could drive from Vancouver to Prince Rupert on the Alaskan border. From there I got a boat to Ketchikan, then a float plane dropped me onto a lake in the Tongass wilderness, and in the blissful absence of technology and internet I spent much of my time recording the experience with pencil and paper. They’re not the best drawings in the world, but the memories they bring back are more vivid than any photo I could have taken.
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