A million little pictures

There’s an interesting social experiment going on in the US at the moment. The Art House is an organisation that was set up specifically to create nationwide art projects, and this year they’re asking people from around the globe to document their Summers using a disposal camera. The 24 prints are then sent to Atlanta (in a supplied envelope) where an exhibition is set up to display the results. Not only is this a great way of seeing how other people live, but it’s also a lovely way of inspiring people, getting them to make the most of their spare time. So here’s an idea – for the next three months carry your own camera round and start snapping – anything that catches your eye. Then on the 21 September (the last day of Summer) choose your favourite 24 pics, stick them in a folder called “my Summer disposables” and upload it onto Facebook. Having a camera to record our daily lives may change the way we live them, motivate us to do things we wouldn’t normally do. Who knows, we might surprise ourselves. www.arthousecoop.com
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